Solar Light Business
The era of new renewable energy!
SY provides a solar light solution.
The solar power project of SY is an environment-friendly power generation project and ensures easy maintenance and convenient management with stable profitable investment and a long product life which is more than 20 years. From A to Z of the solar power project. Join the total solution of SY.

Design Inquiries 070-4808-1660
Features of Product

Government leading project

eco-friendly power generation project

market with the annual average growth of 30%

infinite energy
- Commercial Solar Power Generation
- Solar Roof Rental Business
Solar Generation Business
Power Generation Project
Power Sales
It is a project that creates profits by selling the power that is generated by installing photovoltaic modules on buildings such as structures, houses, factories etc.
Major Check Items
Feasibility of Site to be Established Lines, permission and authorization, complaints elements. Changes of government policies Prices of power sales etc. High-quality construction control A long-term project (more than 25 years) considering maintenance. -
Profit Estimation
Capability to Install Required Area Annual Generation Annual Generation Profit Installing on a Roof of a Building
(Based on weight of 1.5)30kw 60Pyeong 38,325kw Approx. KRW 9,900,000 50kw 100Pyeong 63,875kw Approx. KRW 16,000,000 100kw 200Pyeong 127,750kw Approx. KRW 33,000,000 Installing at Forests and Fields
(Based on weight of 1.0~1.2)50kw 200Pyeong 63,875kw Approx. KRW 14,300,000 100kw 400Pyeong 127,750kw Approx. KRW 28,600,000 1,000kw 4,000Pyeong 1,277,500kw Approx. KRW 255,000,000 The power generation capacity and profits may vary depending on the area available for installation and its location.
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard
What is the PRS system?Renewable Portfolio Standard
A system that is mandatory for the power generation business owner that has a facility more than a certain scale (500MW) to supply an certain rate of annual generation as new renewable energy.
If the RPS system is implemented?
The domestic power generation companies shall meet the mandatory assigned Quantity of the corresponding year by generating the power with new-renewable energy by investing its own facility or purchasing a REC (Renewable Energy Certificate) from other new-renewable energy generation business owners.Obligator of Supply
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co, Ltd., Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd., Korea Midland Power co., Ltd., Korea Westeren Power Co., Ltd., Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd., Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd., Korea District heating corp., Lorea water Resources Corporation, SK E&S, GS EPS, GS Power POSCO Energy, CG&Yulchon Power, Pyeongtaek Energy Service, Daeryun Power Co., Ltd ., S Power, Pocheon Power Dongducheon Dream Power.
RPS Supply Duty Rate
The Corres ponding Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 After 2023 Rate(%) 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 발전 용량 및 수익은 설치가능 면적과 위치에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다.
Public Institution
What is the mandatory installation system?
The system that makes the supply of new · renewable energy compulsory for more than the obligatory rate (21% as of 2017) for the supply of the expected energy use for a building with total floor area of 1,000㎡ that is newly constructed and expanded or reconstructed by public institutions.
※ Most public institutions cover the obligatory rate by installing solar light power generation facility that is easy to be constructed on the roof of a building.Obligatory Rate of the Supply of New · Renewable Energy
Pertinent Year 2011~12 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 After2020 Rate(%) 10 11 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 * The standard to apply the obligatory rate of supply is based on the reception date of a plan to install the electronic civil service system.
What is solar roof rental business?
SY Co., Ltd.
Business development
Responsible construction
MaintenanceEPC contract
Solar power plant construction
(Business period 20 years)REC purchase
Power purchase contract
Supply obligator
Roof rental
Old roof improvement
Rental income
Power generation revenue (after business period)Customer
SY Co., Ltd.
contractBusiness development
Responsible construction
Solar power plant construction
(Business period 20 years)REC purchase
Power purchase contract
Supply obligator
rentalOld roof improvement
Rental income
Power generation revenue (after business period)Customer
As a business that leases the roofs of buildings such as factories and warehouses for 20 years, it is a business that allows customers to generate rental income, free renewal construction and maintenance of old roofs, and profits from power generation after 20 years.
Features of roof rental business
No production disruption during construction
No drilling, welding during outdoor work in all processes.Approx. 300 million won for free solar roof construction.
Based on 1MW / 2,500 pyeong.Rental income approx. 400 million won.
20 million won / year.Approx. 480 million of roof maintenance consignment
for 20 years.Approx. 800 million won of power generation revenue.
Free transfer of power generation after 20 years / Based on power generation for 5 years.※ Rent and revenue may change slightly according to government policies.
Business process
1. Business decision
Determination of rental business or self-generation business Roof construction + power plant constructionWaterproof construction with a 20-year guarantee for solar roof construction, ZERO worry about water leakage
2. Rental period
Generation of rental income
[20 million won/year] Consignment of roof maintenance
[20 years]Annual rent 20 million won – based on 1MW
3. After the rental period
Transfer of ownership of the solar power plant Power generation revenueOver 200 million won per year – based on 1MW
Business procedure
Field Survey
Roof Renewal Construction
Solar Power Plant Construction
Business period –About 19 weeks (important to preempt the system connection)
FSField visit and business proposal Capacity calculation and feasibility review Conclusion of a rental contract Basic design EPC contract
LicensingPermission for power generation business Permission for development activities Working design
Power plant constructionStructure installation work Module attachment and wiring Inverter installation and related electrical work, etc. Monitoring and installation of CCTV, etc.
Commercial operation and start-upInspection before use Generator registration PPA
CompletionFinal touch work Data collection Power generation and REC sales Thorough and regular maintenance
※The schedule above is the general one. It is subject to change depending on the conditions of installation (shortening or extension)
Old roof renewal construction procedure
Combination structure
Construction method
Aged roof
Roof renewalConstruction complete